Friday, April 8, 2011

Moving Forward towards Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

Find the Sugar in Life and display it with beauty

It's time for discussing a healthy life. The last few weeks I have worked diligently on my attitude and those characteristic traits that keep me grounded in a positive and peaceful state.  I am excited to get into the next area of the five areas I have been discussing to help me find the balance of being a happy girly girl.  We have discussed Attitude and Character, so it's time to move into the area of Health.  Finding the sugar in life and displaying it with beauty.  We all know that sweetness gets us further in life, so we should begin to understand where that sweetness comes from.  As a girly girl it's a part of being healthy.  Hygiene and knowledge will follow to complete our understanding of being healthy, wealthy and wise.

Being healthy is a term we all use to explain our over all wellness usually in the area regarding illness or physical being; however there are more areas  concerning being healthy than what we feel like, look like, or what our medical records express.  Let's discuss some of these areas before we move into the heart of a happy girly girl.

Illnesses, are a depressing factor in our lives when we are challenged by something that is afflicting our ability to maintain feeling and looking good.  There are so many women that deal with unpreventable situations such as cancer and female problems that have no certain elements of reason.  I applaud the many women that have been through these problems and have  survived them through surgeries, treatments and positive thinking.  Those that are still battling these trials, I pray that you find that inner strength that God gives us as women to find the purpose and the lesson in your suffering.  I believe in healing through Jesus Christ and I claim healing comes your way as you seek the understanding of God's reasons for your trial.  All things come together for good to those that love God and are called according to His purpose.  May your wisdom be big and your burdens be light as you keep your attitude positive, your character focused on God, and your Faith purposed towards the Hope of total and complete healing through Jesus Christ.  

Life is a wonderful experience as we learn to focus all trials and challenges towards the good of God's love for our suffering.  For great is the reward to those that have climbed the mountains of faith and reached the top honoring Almighty God for his guidance and strength.  Peace be to all of you in the midst of your   circumstances as we remember that the battle belongs to the Lord!

The heart of a happy girly girl comes from having a positive attitude, good character and positive feelings about health.  We women tend to put ourselves last in every area of our lives, and during those times where we decide to stop being last on the list we still have the problem of feeling guilty or inadequate about doing anything for ourselves when family members require and need so much of our attention.  How do we balance this need of taking care of ourselves without feeling guilty or burdened by others' needs?  Well, what I have learned in my walk is to learn to become number 2 in my life.  My God will always be number 1 in my life which affords me the position to be number 2.  My husband is commanded by God to love me as number 2 in his life as God should be number 1 to him as well.

Being number 2 is an even balance, as we submit before God and worship him with all of our heart and mind.  We experience being taken care of by two, God and our husbands'.  As we worship God and take care of ourselves we are by nature taking care of our husbands as God so commands us.  Those without husbands have much more concentrated time on our Lord, and if you are not concentrating on Jesus as your husband, I encourage you to refocus your mindset to giving the Lord all that He is worthy of and that is your attention to him as a wife.

As I look back to the history of women, I find that women were important in the home to making sure all was in order for their husbands, their home  environment, raising the children and taking care of themselves to be a beauty for their husband to feel pleased about supporting them.  Today, we women work and add to the support of the households, which I believe is honorable before the Lord.  We are considered help-mates to our husbands and our homes.  We do have to understand that as women that have children, our first calling in life is to be a joyful mother, raising our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  It is our duty to make sure our children are provided with the necessities in life to become children that are happy and God fearing.

How do we find this balance?  Is there a realistic measure in providing all the love and support required for our husbands', homes and children, while taking care of ourselves too?  I believe so!  It's all in keeping our attitudes in check, our characters based on God's principles and our health good.  Good health includes our mindsets, our bodies, our surroundings, and our desires in line with God's word.  Each one of us have a plan for our lives that is designed by our Creator, God.  We need to focus on the direction He is leading us to be all that we can be.  He has a beautiful plan for all of us to live in abundance, and I know that my desire is to find out exactly what
that plan is.  This is where my philosophy of being a girly girl has taken it's root in being what God wants me to be, or wants all of us to be, since female is what He made us.

The Healthy Girly Girl:

Looks into her heart for true thoughts of whom she really is.  Don't let other women persuade you to feel or think contrary to what your inner girl is comfortable with, and never let a man allow you to feel that you are in competition with him.  God never designed us as women to compete with men.  Men are a great creation of God's and we were created from the rib of man, for man, not to be better or less than man, but to be equally fit to love and be loved by man.

Looks to her mind for positive ideas to accommodate the blessings before her.  Don't let the dread of life take your mind to feeling like you don't have enough.  God provides us with all that we need to survive and how we take care of those provisions determines whether we keep them, lose them, or gain more.  God gives us enough and as we live thankful and disciplined in our actions with what God gives us, He rewards us with more, especially beauty.  Nothing better in life than a woman with beauty and brains in the held by the hand of God. 

Looks to her body for wisdom that tells her whether or not she is taking care of herself or not.  Never condemn yourself for the way your body looks, and don't praise it when it looks good.  Let your weight, your firmness or lack there of be a guide to whether you are keeping your loins girded up strong for a pleasant balance of beauty, poise, and grace. A depressed spirit will measure nothing good for your appearance, and a prideful thought will measure an arrogance that destroys the beauty that you have worked so hard to accomplish.

Looks to her soul for direction that tells her whether her communication with God is right.  Don't let the wrong spirits lead your conscience.  We all have that small still voice deep inside of us, and depending on what we let into our soul or very being is what controls our conscience.  Sometimes we have to focus on going against the grain of what we feel inside when we know that the feeling leading us is ugliness or wrong.  Doing right by ourselves or by God is not always easy because we have programmed ourselves to be like others or try to be someone else because we don't feel the real us would be accepted by those we have associated with.  I say be who God made you to be and if it means changing friends or being alone with God for a while then make the change for the good of God, you, your family and your life.

Looks to God for help with decisions and ideas to carry out His perfect plan for her life.  Don't underestimate the power of belief and faith to gain a balance in all things through Jesus Christ.  Where there is doubt and unbelief the power of God is quenched.  God wants all things good for us and we have to find it in our inner conscience to believe and to have faith that God will provide for those things we ask of Him when we ask for those things that He lays as a desire within our hearts.

Becoming a girly girl takes a lot of work from the inside out and therefore we have to be patient and willing to make the journey of being all that we can be to reach the height of knowing and connecting with our inner girl.  Being a healthy girly girl is important so that we can focus our minds on the fun things in life, such as feeling and looking pretty, discovering the gentleness of being a blessed woman, and the ultimate goal of being happy. 

Until next time keep your focus on seeking God for your plan.  Spend time in God's word and meditate on Him through worship and song.  Clear out the bad spirits in your life and find the leading of the Holy Spirit to help you become spiritually and mindfully strong and healthy.  I will address more health issues next time.  Until next time, find a quiet place to get real with God and yourself and be humble in all of your requests.  Remember the lyrics sung by Doris Day - Que, Sera, Sera, what ever we'll be we'll be, the future's not ours to see - Que sera, sera.  :)

Life is a wonderful experience when we live it with a healthy, girly-girl heart.

Setting some goals to address on my next post :)


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