Monday, October 31, 2011

It's been a busy Summer of travel and good times!

I am back!  Wow, it's been a busy Summer, and I have so much to tell.  Let's see where do I start?  How about here and now - I am feeling great!  My energy levels have been up and running for the past five months.  OMG, has it really been five months?  How time flies when we're having fun :)  Let's see I left off in May when I had begun my first term at USC.  Super-cala-fragalistic-expialidoshus!!! ( the roots of the word: super- "above", cali- "beauty", fragilistic- "delicate", expiali- "to atone", and docious- "educable"
then the whole thing would mean roughly "Atoning for educability through delicate beauty.")  Ha! it was dynamic!!  I have never had the pleasure of learning so much in such a clear and concise instruction.  It's a great school and I am so happy to be learning something new.  I have registered for my Fall classes and those super hard. 

Well if starting school in the Fall after being gone over the road on my husband's truck for six weeks wasn't bad, then who knows what is???  I attend USC through an Online forum, so my studies are pretty convenient until a broken leg and a pulled wisdom tooth became a distraction.  Not to forget to mention, I booked a cruise for my mom and dad, my daughters, Victoria and Jennifer, Eric and me; planned and put together a family reunion for my dad's family.  Like I said, it's been a busy five months.
